SESAC : A Key Player in Music Licensing


SESAC, or the Society of European Stage Authors and Composers, is one of the leading performing rights organizations (PROs) in the United States. Unlike its competitors, ASCAP and BMI, SESAC operates on an invitation-only basis, making it an exclusive platform for songwriters, composers, and music publishers.

What Does SESAC Do?

SESAC plays a crucial role in the music industry by licensing the public performances of musical works on behalf of its members. This includes collecting royalties from radio, television, live performances, and digital platforms.

How SESAC Benefits Songwriters

SESAC offers personalized services to its members, often providing quicker royalty payments and more tailored support compared to larger PROs. The organization helps songwriters and composers monetize their music by ensuring they receive proper compensation whenever their music is played publicly.

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Exclusive and Invitation-Only

SESAC differentiates itself by maintaining an exclusive membership, which means that only select creators are invited to join. This strategy has allowed the organization to focus on providing more individualized attention to its members, which sets it apart in the competitive world of music licensing.

SESAC’s Impact on the Music Industry

With notable artists and composers as members, SESAC has had a significant influence on the music industry. From radio hits to live performances, SESAC ensures that creators are compensated for the public use of their music.


As one of the major PROs in the United States, SESAC continues to support the creative community by offering unique services and benefits for its members. Its selective membership and efficient royalty collection make it a standout organization in the music licensing world.